Thursday, May 13, 2010


Tuesday I fixed gumbo for dinner...Brandon and Braden loved it. Brandon just had one request, "Please cut the chicken pieces smaller". From that this conversation emerged.

Braden: "I don't know what you are talking, my chicken was small."
Mom: "Really was it?"
Braden: "NNOOO, I was being sarcastic."

Really, where does this come from?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Beauty and Brains

My baby girl, whom I've always has said is wise beyond her years or too smart for her own good, proved it this month. When Alabama children hit 2nd grade, they are put through a screening to see if they are gifted. Lexie went through this screening and it was determined that she is indeed gifted. Brandon and I are so proud. I guess when she does something totally off the wall now we can blame it on the fact that she's gifted and has now walking around sense. Just kidding, but sometimes I wonder if she really is paying attention.

Oh and for those inquiring minds that want to know, her I.Q. was 138. I